Suzy Cusack

Hi, I'm Suzy!

I have over 20 years' experience in workplace relations and employment law, employee relations (ER) and HR. I am a qualified employment lawyer, having worked as a solicitor in private practice and as in house Counsel, before moving into HR where I have gained insights into both the challenges and opportunities for HR teams.

I enjoy helping businesses achieve their commercial objectives through considered People strategy, with an eye on managing risk and ensuring high levels of employee engagement and satisfaction. I am passionate about agile process improvement and has extensive change management experience. I provide both commercial and practical advice for clients, with an approachable manner and the ability to communicate well with all levels of the business.

I have worked with many industries (healthcare, pharmaceutical, FMCG, transport and logistics, financial services, aged care etc), ranging from large corporates, SMEs and government clients.

Legal services are provided by Workable Law & Industrial Relations (ABN 63 664 974 074). Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. The Director of Workable Law and IR Pty Ltd is a member of the scheme.

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