Workable Law & IR

Hi, I'm Kat!

I am an expert employment and industrial relations lawyer who owns and runs Workable Law & IR

I have more than 14 years experience practicing in employment law and industrial relations gained in top tier law firms and in house for large employers.

I have advised and acted for Australian and multi-national businesses large and small including in the following industries: retail, professional services, contracting, construction, tech and IT, aged care and health services, education, religious bodies, banks and financial institutions, manufacturing, advertising and media and more.

I have a friendly, experienced and straightforward style.

I can help you:

  • understand the changes coming to Australian workplace law and implement strategies to stay in touch

  • streamline your employment management with our expert advice and assistance;

  • advise on your performance management, termination, modern award and pay queries;

  • navigate complex enterprise bargaining with our support for drafting and interpreting agreements, responding to industrial action, and developing effective IR strategies;

  • stay compliant with our help on labour hire licensing, whistleblower complaints, compliance audits, and more

  • enhance your HR capabilities with our customisable templates and training on preventing sexual harassment and other HR law matters;

  • provide flexible solutions to meet your unique needs with our consulting and secondment services; and

  • protect and defend your business with our expert guidance on and representation in disputes and litigation, including unfair dismissal, adverse action, discrimination, and contract disputes.

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